Cluster scripts

All of the robot accounts need to have access to the HPC cluster scripts used by the HEAppE Middleware. The scripts are automatically downloaded when HEAppE Managament REST API endpoint Management/InitializeClusterScriptDirectory is called.

Bellow is a list of the description of the directories and scripts that are required to be present in the HPC cluster´s scripts repository:


Must be created under Master robot account privileges. Recommended location: cluster project directory.

  • .key_scripts directory containing the HPC cluster´s scripts used by the HEAppE Middleware, which are located in HPC cluster scripts repository. It is required for each HPC cluster system that will be using through HEAppE Middleware. (recommended location: home directory)

  • HEAppE/Executions directory for job data (created automatically)

  • HEAppE/ExecutionsTemp directory for allowing copy of job data from/to a temporary directory (created automatically)


The bash scripts have to be located in the .key_scripts directory with specific privileges (ACLs). Master functional account is the only account with read, write, and execute permissions. The other functional accounts have assigned only read, and execute permissions. The HPC cluster scripts repository contains the following scripts:

  • - Create a job directory in HEAppE/Executions directory

  • - Adding temporary SSH key for job data transfer

  • - Remove temporary SSH key for job data transfer

  • - Security check - allowing only access to data in HEAppE/Executions directory

  • - Decoding allocation from BASE64 and sending to the HPC scheduler

  • - Allowing users to run customized generic scripts

  • - Testing execution script

  • - Generic testing execution script

  • - Copy job data from HEAppE/ExecutionsTemp directory to HEAppE/Executions directory

  • - Copy job data from HEAppE/Executions directory to HEAppE/ExecutionsTemp directory